Thursday, August 20, 2009

Smackdown: Where Heels are Heels and Faces Don't...

(In Part 3 of 6 The Billdozah takes a stream of consciousness gander at Friday Night Smackdown. The purpose of these blogs is to find out what, if anything, each television program is doing correctly and more importantly gives said Billdozah the opportunity to vent, because he has a lot of venting to do. Coming soon we will read his thoughts on TNA Impact, ROH TV, and a hope for more alternatives)

On Friday nights I am at my local bar establishment, taking a look into another empty glass of the Special Brew, not giving a care in the world towards missing WWE’s Smackdown program. You see, Fridays are not a great day for pro wrestling in my mind. But, there is a but…

Smackdown, girl, I may have missed you on Friday, but don’t worry baby, we’ll get together soon. Basically you’re my bitch. Hey, it’s not my fault I pretend to have a social life. Still going to get to that but, don’t worry your pretty little head wrestling fan.

Think about it. I’m not wasting my time on Friday nights watching wrestling. But watching Smackdown and wasting time are not mutually exclusive as in years past; not since Trips went back to Monday Nights anyways.

Modern technology allows one to watch a program like Smackdown any day or time that I choose. Much like ECW in recent years, this has allowed me to fast forward the diva matches and generally anything that looks or smells like Kane. I still skip a little bit, but that’s an exception to the rule now.

Ah Smackdown, where heels are heels and faces don’t try to deliver unfunny jokes that are really lame anyways (ahem, Monday Night Raw for the past 7 years).

Jeff Hardy. CM Punk. Edge*. John Morrison. Chris Jericho. Rey Mysterio. Those above names have carried Smackdown since the draft with a myriad of epic contests. Mysterio and Jericho were on fire for a long time. Edge Asterisk has been one of if not the most consistent performer in WWE for at least 3 years. Asterisk included because he’s on the shelf and I was really hopeful of the team of him and Jericho. And just when you thought he was getting a little stale, absence makes the fan forget that. And a face run against Jericho will be just what Dr. Pepper ordered.

Whoops, I might have to argue with myself a little bit for a moment. Jericho as a heel is fantastic. Perhaps, he’s more consistent than Edge. The former Y2J took away all the catch phrases and now berates the fans to the point where they can’t cheer him. It’s a hard thing to do these days and a performer has to be almost perfect in execution to pull it off. But I want to go back to the core of what makes Smackdown an almost weekly can’t miss program.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages…World Wrestling Entertainment proudly brings to you the closest thing they can come to having an actually current wrestling product.

What’s current about Smackdown? Jeff Hardy. The unfortunate thing is it took WWE way to long to capitalize on his unique personality and marketability at the top of the card. Now he’ll be gone soon. That story sound familiar? I’ll give you three letters. RVD.

But let’s not take away from the past several months where Jeff has been placed in main events betweens feuds with Punk and Edge. It’s a shame he is leaving, but it probably opens the door for his brother to get a chance to finally prove if he can make it as a top of the card draw. Color me skeptical on how that experiment will go, but we will see.

CM Punk is a heel. He always has been and always will be. Punk in ROH was exactly what that company needed. Someone who can have hate in his eyes and be different than you and me. The Straight Edge character is what Punk kept in his back pocket during his entire WWE run. He’s a good face, but he’s a dude that people will hate. Not love to hate, but people will hate him. The best part about his turn was the month with shades of gray between being a heel and face because all of his comments were the truth. In his mind, why would someone cheer for a screw up like Jeff Hardy over him? What did he ever do to us?

Give a heel conviction in his voice and the rest is cake dude. not what you’re thinking, take it to the bank. Much like his Money in the Bank victories.

Billdozah liked what Billdozah saw here. And I’m hearing of an Undertaker/Punk feud. Intriguing, and that’s coming from someone who isn’t so high on the Dead Man all the time. A blog for another day, I assure you.

We have seen the upward progression of two characters on the food chain as well. John Morrison is now a face; I don’t like the overall package (tights need to change and his promos are pretty eh), but he’s better in the ring building to his highspots, and we have great matches to look forward to for years with the young heartthrob (so say the ladies, I don’t look at guys like that).

One guy who I would have figured never would have made it is Dolph Ziggler. The dude is the only man left standing from the Spirit Squad manure drop from the sky on Raw. At least Vinny Mac loved it. But Ziggy (Dolph you don’t mind if I call you Ziggy do you? Ok thanks!) is another young guy with a world of potential. You have to figure he’s going to be Intercontinental Champion sooner rather than later. In the immortal word of Jeremy Piven, Summerfest might be that day. From there he doesn’t have to run into Cena or Triple H to take him down a peg and to ensure he never gets over.

Smackdown is close to what professional wrestling should look like in 2009. Their best heel (Chris Jericho) brings out the best in whoever he’s feuding with. Did anyone see his match with JTG a few weeks back? Case in point.

As a fan I root for the stars of tomorrow because you usually can see it quite obviously. I have that in the Hart Dynasty. Tyson Kidd is developing better than I imagined. David Hart is assuredly going to get more breaks in WWE, but Kidd feuding with Rey Mysterio is going to steal some shows, mark my words.

I joked earlier about Smackdown being my bitch. If it were on Mondays I would watch it live every week. That’s what I wish we were seeing, but it isn’t the case. At the end of the day I am Smackdown’s bitch. Because she’s giving me what I want. Umm, yeah that’s today’s stars in main event slots. They are fresh, athletic, and are different from each other. Well, and then there’s Kane and the Great Khali to fast forward through. Oh yean and I still hate the Diva matches. Don’t worry ladies, the Hess Express is still watching and salivating over your, um lets call them hip tosses and arm drags. Works of art.

Michael Hayes, I like what you’re cookin’ these days…keep up the good work.

-The Billdozah

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

ECW: What's Old Is New Again

(In Part 2 of 6 The Billdozah takes a stream of consciousness tour down under into the land of extreme, ECW. The purpose of these blogs is to find out what, if anything, each television program is doing correctly and more importantly gives said Billdozah the opportunity to vent, because he has a lot of venting to do. Coming soon we will read his thoughts on Smackdown, TNA Impact, ROH TV, and a hope for more alternatives)

In the spirit of last week’s critically acclaimed Raw blog, lets kick it off with a poor attempt at changing the lyrics to a famous song.

ECW is a friend,
Yeah, I know it’s been
A good friend of mine
But lately something's changed
That ain't hard to define
The ECW that made me want to hurl
Is turning around just fine
And I’m watching it with those eyes
Just lovin Tiffany with that body,
I just know it
Yeah 'n' I’m holding her
In my dreams late,
Late at night
But, you know, I still wish that I had Paul E’s girl…
Radio Edit!

(Special Rewind Stream of Consciousness from 2006 through most of 2008) Where is Paul Heyman and what did you do with my beloved wrestling company Vincent Kennedy McMahon?!?!

Ok, ok, ok…back to 2K9. Paul Heyman has walked out that door and he ain’t coming back (at least anytime soon). If you watch ECW with a longing for yesteryear, you are better off purchasing the Rise and Fall of ECW DVD. That company is dead and it isn’t coming back.

There were times where I hated to watch ECW. The company that pushed WWE into the Attitude era (believe it) and turned the fate of wrestling around, has died an ugly death. To make matters worse, they brought the company back giving fans delusions of grandeur. The old ECW died in a puff of Rob Van Dam smoke on that fateful July evening in 2006. We didn’t know it yet, but the coffin was already made, we were just waiting for those three letters to lie in it.

What happened from there was the proverbial kick to the genitals. Bobby Lashley was not the man to bring ECW to the next level. ECW fans could eloquently channel Dusty Rhodes in saying, “That’s not for you, daddy!” Vince McMahon as champion? Obviously someone didn’t want us cheering a certain three letters. Oh yeah, we got to see CM Punk and John Morrison in a decent feud; but we also got to see some runs with Chavo Guerrero and Mark Henry at the top of the cards.

But wait, what’s that I heard last week?

(Cue crowd noise…)

Christian and Tommy Dreamer had a wild brawl in “Turn Back the Clock Night” on ECW TV! It was cool and innovative. These Extreme Rules matches under the current context of the product allow for a good feud between two veterans to move to the next level. The Hot Dog Stand, the car door, countless garbage can shots to head…I had visions of Dances With Dudley in Sugar Ray Candy Trees bouncing in my head!!!

If you think one Extreme Rules match changed my opinion on ECW, think again. The tide was actually turned some time back. For me, a rebirth began when Teddy Long brought his new superstar initiative to ECW. The first class all passed with aces; Jack Swagger is frigging unbelievable at such a young age. He might be two-time two-time friggin’ unbelievable if you ask me. And I love Evan Bourne. Obviously, size is the detriment to many individuals when they enter World Wrestling Entertainment. Ask Taz(z), Paul London, Dean Malenko, etc. etc. But for every guy who doesn’t reach the brass ring, we get an Eddie Guerrero who slips through the cracks. Is Evan Bourne one of those guys? You better believe it; it’s too bad he isn’t tearing it up on Smackdown. I am salivating at the idea of Jericho/Bourne, Mysterio/Bourne, more Kidd/Bourne, Punk/Bourne, to name a mere few.

One problem I had was the suddenness that those men left ECW. I think the Hart Dynasty could have used some more time to mix it up with the new class. They are primed and ready and hopefully don’t get lost in the shuffle on Smackdown. It would have been good to see them against the likes of Shaeumus and Yoshi Tatsu (to specifically name two guys who I think will do alright). Tyler Rex? Surf’s down for me so far dude. Abraham Washington? I’m open to the project, but no more Bella Twins in this segment please.

Hell I never thought I would cheer “Woo! Woo! Woo!” and actually get behind Long Island’s own Zack Ryder, but it works. YOU KNOW IT!

I even want to see where this Vladimir Koslov and Ezekiel Jackson game of one- upsmanship is headed. I refuse to hope for Guerrero vs. Malenko every time two guys get in the ring. It’s not healthy guys. Big guys get over in the WWE structure; I like athleticism and flips in my wrestling and I’ll gladly admit it. But it is too bad we don’t see the current incarnation of the big fat wrestler who will beat the hell out of you. We need today’s versions of Bam Bam Bigelow and Big Van Vader. Sidebar, sidebar, out of order, I apologize.

Getting to see Tommy Dreamer win the title was a really cool moment that makes me think Vince McMahon may have realized that when those old school ECW fans pay for his shows, he actually gets the money from it.

Before I end this long-winded rant (hold your sarcasm that we’re several lines too late), I want to talk about the ECW Champion Christian. When he went to TNA, I thought WWE really missed the boat and TNA was going finally get a guy in his prime and push him to his limits. Something was amiss and it’s too bad they bounced old Double J several months too late. I think Jeff Jarrett as the be all end all of TNA had a pretty big deal why Christian and other guys just never clicked to the level that was expected.

Since he returned to ECW, he looks in better shape and has added a lot of flash to his already polished in ring product. A guy like him on Raw as WWE Champion would make us find out if Randy Orton can truly have that good match which isn’t there for him with the Cena’s, Batista’s and Triple H’s of the WWE Universe…For more on that, last weeks blog explains everything.

Christian is where it’s at. He knows this is probably his last chance to truly make the mark in World Wrestling Entertainment that he deserves to. He’s had great feuds with Jack Swagger and Tommy Dreamer. He is a fresh and exciting champion that makes me want to watch his matches. If his legend ends with these ECW title reigns and the stars he helped create (Swagger) or rejuvenate (Dreamer), I’ll happily watch it while it lasts. I just don’t want to look back when he retires and put him in the “What Should Have Been” pile of stars Vince didn’t let scratch the surface of their true potential.

Full Disclaimer: I wish Paul Heyman was booking ECW until it’s final breath. It’s just not going to happen. So take away your lofty expectations (it’s taken me some serious time and a lot of DVR fast forwarding to do it myself, but YOU WILL GET THERE, well I hope) and try to enjoy a decent wrestling product. Hey, it could be worse. I think I talked about it last week. That’s Right Monday Night Raw, I’m lookin’at you!

I have one last thing to say…


-The Billdozah

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What happened to Monday Night Raw?

(In Part 1 of 6 The Billdozah takes a stream of consciousness look at WWE’s flagship Monday Night Raw. The purpose of these blogs is to find out what, if anything, each television program is doing correctly and more importantly gives said Billdozah the opportunity to vent, because he has a lot of venting to do. Coming soon we will read his thoughts on ECW, Smackdown, TNA Impact, ROH TV, and a hope for more alternatives)

Where did you go Monday Night Raw? A Nation (or ugh, WWE Universe) turns its lonely eyes to you…

Instead, I believe the real wrestling fan is flipping his clicker off of your sorry sack of a 2-hour television block.

Trying to figure out where to start so we don’t get 17 Microsoft Word Pages of dribble that will be too long for anyone to read…let’s see let’s see…how about the top of the card?

Triple H. John Cena. Randy Orton. Night of Champions was a disgrace if you ask me. WWE doesn’t want to give away much of John Cena vs. Triple H, since we are dying, absolutely pleading for the rematch of their 293rd official rematch. Yawn. The main events are so played out and so boring that Batista leaving actually led to the chance that we get to see someone new get elevated.

Since Batista went down and The Donald made the big 3-brand trade that sent shockwaves up and down WWE Universe (and I hate how EVERYONE is calling it that, great branding, make a fan want to puke every time you hear something) WWE had the opportunity to give someone a huge push. MVP? Jack Swagger? Evan Bourne? Nope, nope, nope. Those would be terrible choices. But back to those three in mere moments.

Raise you hand in the air when he tells you. Somebody’s gonna get their ass kicked. That’s right wrestling nerds, your hero Mark Henry has in particular order A) Defeated champion Randy Orton on his first night on Raw B) Destroyed the most compelling character Chris Jericho C) Have the second best time in Beat the Clock, that Cena narrowly defeated and D) Got to be Hornswaggle’s cousin!

And you cheered! Why? Why? Why? He sucks, I hate him, and he sucks. But you know what WWE, you got people to get excited about Henry; it only took you 17 years. All’s well that ends well.

Speaking of ending, can we end this Guest Host fiasco? I enjoyed Ted DiBiase. Shaq delivered a big rating. But seriously, it’s ruining the programs. These comedy sketches are dragging the flow of the show and making it impossible for anyone to really shine.

Which brings me to what I find as good about Monday Night Raw. If you look at the card, they have a great flux of talent ready to make it to the next level. It could be anyone of Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes, MVP, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, etc. But nope, we get to see two segments each week dedicated to the historic Chavo Guerrero vs. Hornswaggle Feud of the Century.

My suggestion is to clean things up at the top of the card. Mix Jack Swagger with Triple H. Have John Cena taken to his limit by MVP. When Batista comes back have Ted DiBiase bitch slap him in the face and ask him if he blew is quad. Let Randy Orton make you think Evan Bourne is gonna 123 Kid his Razor Ramon ass. I hope every week to be proven wrong, and this week I was to some extent. Trips lost a handicap match to Legacy. Stop the presses. We just need Shawn to come back so DX can rightfully put those jobbers back in their place. Once again, I hope I’m wrong. Why should I hold my breath? Oh yeah, The Miz actually got over and now he might as well wear a mask and call himself Gillberg 2. He’ll have a better chance of winning.

So Monday Night Raw, you are probably in trouble…at least according to me. The vast majority of the audience has spoken and 2010 appears to be shaping up for a Mark Henry/Hornswaggle ticket to the White House. Sadly, I’ll be watching and learning once again what I don’t want to see.

-The Billdozah
(The opinions expressed by The Billdozah ABSOLUTELY should reflect the opinion of anyone who wants to enjoy Monday Night Raw again. If you disagree, just find episodes of Raw from 2007 and 2008 because we’ve been there and done that. And you know what the worst part is? It sucked then!)

P.S. Remember when Randy Orton was getting over so huge they almost had to turn him babyface? He laid out every McMahon until Hunter came out and well, took the sails out of Orton, who hasn’t and may not recover. I liked Orton…he grew up with great facials, no longer was a terrible promo, and made you feel the emotions going on in his mind. But now, I could care less, even though I did enjoy the eyes popping out the head at Night of Champions. Also Randy, can you have good wrestling matches? Still waiting. At WrestleMania you should have kicked Triple H in the head and had sex with his wife.